Visit Deerfield Bible Church

Deerfield Bible Church is.....

…..a unique blend of ancient and modern worship.  The music in our worship service might be described as contemporary, blending the most recent worship music with a decidedly modern take on ancient hymns.  Our sermons are “exegetical”; essentially meaning that we make our way through entire books of the Bible and find ways of applying these ancient texts to our modern lives.  We have a nursery adjacent to the sanctuary open at all times and we offer children’s church for young ones through age nine once the sermon begins.  We celebrate Communion every week together as we believe that Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection are the centerpiece of our worship.  And, yes, we actually take a five-minute interlude in the middle of service to dismiss the children, fill our coffee mugs, make a cup of tea, and say hello to one another.  You and your family are most welcome to join us.  

Oh, one more thing you might be interested in before you visit: wear whatever you like.  You’ll see some wearing t-shirts and some in flannels, some wear dresses and some the occasional tie, some are in boots and some are in sandals (yes even in winter), in other words, dress as you are most comfortable in church – we’re happy to see you!


A Historic Church Founded in 1770


Deerfield Bible Church

9 Church Street

Deerfield, NH 03037


Service Time

Sundays at 9:30 a.m.

Bible Studies

Senior’s Study, Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. in Bow, NH
Men’s Study, Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m.
Women’s Study, Wednesdays at 8:45 a.m.
Youth Study, Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. (September to May)
All studies meet at the church except as noted.

Weekly Bulletin

Get the current information from our bulletin archive. Each week's bulletin is uploaded on Sunday evenings.