Please note, we do not take a collection during our Sunday worship service. Instead we have placed tithe boxes at both entrances to the sanctuary.
Checks Can Be Made Payable To:
Deerfield Bible Church
Deerfield Bible Church is a non-profit 501C organization
and all gifts are tax deductible.
** “A tithe is a portion of your income given as an offering to your local church. (Fun fact: The word tithe literally means tenth in Hebrew).
Leviticus 27:30 says, “A tenth of the produce of the land, whether grain or fruit, is the Lord’s, and is holy.”
Proverbs 3:9 says, “Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first-fruits of all your crops.”
Those gardening metaphors may have thrown you off, but what these verses are really saying is to give a portion (a tenth) of whatever you make back to God. And firstfruits is just a biblical way of saying that you should give this first—before you do anything else with your money.
It's a way to show that we trust God with our lives and our finances. Tithing isn’t for God’s benefit. He doesn’t need our money. Instead, it is meant for our benefit because sacrificing a portion of our income reminds us to rely on God to meet our needs. Plus it makes us more aware of the needs of others too.
In fact, supporting the work of the local church is one of the main purposes of tithing. Your giving goes towards the ministries we have serving our local community, supporting our pastor and his family, and covering the cost of utilities, maintenance and operations.
Whether you choose to happily give a little or a lot, please know how much we appreciate your thoughtfulness and support!
** (excerpt taken from